Fairy Tale Friday
This is the first in a theoretically regular series where I post interesting links to places on the webs that discuss fairy tales in some form or fashion.

Black Swan was a movie that annoyed me a lot while I watched it. A new review of it over at Cabinet des Fees, however, goes more into the symbolism throughout, and gives a new spin (pirouette?) on the story, suggesting a richer interpretation than what I originally came away with. Also, isn't this promo poster so much prettier and more appropriate than the American one? I found it here.
"His uncle pulled down a copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales, handed it to him, and said, "This book contains everything that anyone can know about children."
If the above post got too Jungian for you, try an older take on Hansel and Gretel. Carl-Heinz Mallet had a few things to say on the subject of mothers, stepmothers, child abuse, and breadcrumbs. You might not agree with all the conclusions, but no one can deny that that story had a lot going on.
Jack Zipes has a new book out. Surprise! It's about the irresistibleness of fairy tales. Here's a review from Diamonds & Toads.
And lastly, Katherine Langrish hosts Ellen Renner on her lovely blog Seven Miles of Steel Thistles. Renner brings up some fascinating points about the female role in fairy tales, as well as the changing notion of what "girliness" means.
Happy reading!