Fairy Tale Friday: OMG Edition

Sooooo…this. Hansel & Gretel deserve an update, sure. And I like a stupid fantasy action movie as much as the next person (um…usually more than the next person). But, OMG, am I confused. The kids aren't kids? They have guns in medieval Whereverstan? Girls wear leather pants there? And they all have American accents?

And, yes, of course I'll see it. But I'll be honest in my review. And my honesty comes with a biohazard label.

On to thing two! Maria Warner has this post (via Sur La Lune) on why Angela Carter still kicks ass (she phrases it differently). All those "dark" fairy tales that peeps think they dreamed up? Carter was beating that drum decades ago. And she could write. If you have missed her works up till now, do yourself a favor and pick a copy of The Bloody Chamber up. Now.

Thing three? Of course, Seven Miles of Steel Thistles is continuing its streak of awesome with this post on trolls, church building, and why in general, you should not trust supernatural help. There's usually a hitch. Just sayin'.

Also, since I was gallivanting in the American South last week, I missed an earlier post on a creeptastic fairy tale collection, as described by Megan Whelan Turner. Yeek!

And, finally, I want to highlight a review of Cinder, a novel by Marissa Meyer, posted over at Reads 4 Tweens (a great site that I'm pretty biased about, since I contribute there).

This new book takes on not only Cinderella, but also Snow White and some other tropes, and puts them all in a future world, which is a nice spin that one doesn't see all that often in fairy tales. I'm looking forward to reading it (in fact, the whole series sounds promising). And check out the Italian cover! Dang, that looks cool.

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