March of Microanalysis Day 29: Pepperoni Edition
Microfiction Entry Day 29:
St Peter watched the approaching figure. “What’s in the cooler?” he asked.
“Pepperoni. Cannoli. You hungry?” The little man opened the lid.
The angel smiled. “Come on in, buddy.”
Mr Pepperoni Cannoli, as he was commonly known in Milwaukee, passed away a week before I wrote this. Many a time I saw him enter a bar on the East Side, peddling his late-night snacks to the sloshed customers.
He was a character, and I mean that in the most positive way. Characters, real or imagined, elevate their surroundings, changing a lifeless set into a place to live. Characters warp boring old space-time into interesting, curvy, and strange space-time, into a space where you want to spend some time.
Mr Pepperoni Cannoli traded not only in sausages, but stories. He’ll be missed.
And…this concludes our microfiction/microanalysis broadcast day. I've had fun over the last two months, first ginning up four weeks of tiny stories in February, and then dissolving them into their constituent parts in March. I think I've delighted at least three people with this project (in addition to myself), which is more than I've annoyed with it, at least based on feedback.
The next few months at Team Blood are going to focus on my fairy tale fiction, which will be published soon. But I like posting fiction on the site, so look for a similar project later this year, perhaps fifty-five words stories or other microfiction.
j out