Reivu Haiku: Dredd

Justice is still blind

Psychic sidekick sans helmet

Hey, someone pulled the fire alarm 45 minutes into the movie, so I never got to finish it. I can’t say I was too upset, especially since I got another pass in recompense. But lemme tell ya'. When they call it Slo-Mo, they're not kidding.

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Bookstore Spotlight: Farley's Bookshop in New Hope, PA

A few weeks ago, we went apple picking with some pals up around New Hope, a cutesy town on the Delaware north of the City of Brotherly Meh. My beloved picked the hell outta some apples (I mostly wandered around staring at trees and clouds). We ate a few late raspberries, and met a very sweet kitty on the farm. Also, we had fresh apple cider donuts, which were devoured far too quickly to be photographed.

But what of the

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Reivu Haiku: Total Recall (2012)

TotalRecall 2012film

Earthbound spies crisscross

Through the burrito tunnel

But logic is barred

Also, Whistler got no character development and Vampire Kate needed a hairband, like, stat.

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The Wissahickon valley is one of the few places in Philly that doesn't feel like it's in Philly. We hike around there a lot. It's getting fally this week.

And the leaves drop into the river. But the snack bar is still open, thus twist cones still get bought (and ahem…devoured).

(Pretty sure we overheard a UU-style infant dedication ceremony, too. Nature! Is there anything it can't be a backdrop for?)

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Murdering My Own Craft

I’ve decided to kill a part of myself. Put less dramatically, I am going to close my Etsy shop at the end of this year.

Pour quoi?” you ask. Or rather, you would ask if you spoke French and cared about my professional decision making.* Why discuss this on a blog ostensibly about writing? Why close the Etsy shop? Because it is a failure. Mmm-hmm. I said it. Failure.

A few years ago, I had many grand dreams of

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Why Take the National Novel Writing Month Challenge? by Rochelle Melander

The first appearance of pumpkin lattes heralds not only cooler temps, but the advent of National Novel Writing Month, that annual wordfest of crazy people who decide that they will write a novel of 50,000 in the month of November. I've done it in the past, and usually quit long before Thanksgiving. The one time I was successful, it was through "cheating" (I co-wrote a novel with friend and fellow Boswellian, Sharon Nagel). But I plan to give NaNoWriMo

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